Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Multi Media Platforms

Today the majority of kids are multi tasking between different media outlets. TV once was the dominant kids' medium, but it no longer holds their undivided attention. An independent research Firm that specializes in new media marketing conducted a study called Kids' Social networking study and found that marketers should be using multi media platforms to reach this demographic. 

The study found that 64% of kids go online while watching television with 49% of them saying that they do it anywhere between 3 times a week to several times a day! Therefore, placing content in one of these mediums will influence their behavior on another. By making a multi platform marketing campaign companies can instantly increase their frequency within this demographic. 

Peter Grunwald, the president of the Grunwald Association, stated that "The findings of the study strongly suggest that companies should use multi platforms-TV, online, social networking, handhelds and other interactive media-to create a synergistic communications effort and a compelling, highly interactive experience for kids. "

I completely agree with the article that published the results of this study. The article was published on the internet retailer, a site that specializes in strategies for multi channel retailing. The results of this study clearly indicate that by making a multi platform campaign a company can greatly increase their awareness among kids. This is a perfect example of taking a trend that exists in a certain demographic and turning it into a profitable campaign. 

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